Competing for the greater good? Zum Verhältnis von Ehreninschriften, Konkurrenz und politischem Handlungsspielraum der Elite Erythrais und Prienes im frühen Hellenismus
Competing for the Greater Good? The Relationship Between Honorary Inscriptions, Competition, and Political Scope of Action of the Elite in Erythrae and Priene in Early Hellenism
This paper examines the relationship between honorary inscriptions and elite competition to identify the political scope of action of the members of the elite in Erythrae and Priene in early Hellenism. By doing so, the paper contributes to research about the existence of a“régime des notables”in early Hellenistic poleis. It shows that the poleis attempted to direct the elite towards a competition of honours given to the demos in order to prevent the establishment of a tyrannis.
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