Die Sprache der „Protokolle der Weisen von Zion“. Eine paratextuelle, rhetorische Analyse einer der bekanntesten Verschwörungstheorien der Welt
The Language of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”. A Paratextual, Rhetorical Analysis of One of the World's Best-Known Conspiracy Theories
This bachelor thesis examines linguistic strategies of German-language prefixed paratexts of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”. By means of close reading, it shows how lexis and rhetoric are used to convince readers of a 100-year-old structureless and inconsistent text – for example by the use of conspiracy-theory vocabulary and the presentation of supposed credibility and transparency. The interest in the persuasive content of the text arises from a philological approach and shall show how language can be used for manipulative purposes.
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