„Heimkehrer“, „Kriegswucherer“ und „unerwünschte Ausländer“ – Migrationsberichterstattung in der österreichischen Tagespresse 1918–1919. Eine medienhistorische Diskursanalyse
“Heimkehrer”, “Kriegswucherer” and “unerwünschte Ausländer” – Reports on Migration in the Austrian Press 1918–1919. A Media- Historical Discourse Analysis
The following paper contributes to topical research on migration and media. Utilizing the methodological framework of historical discourse analysis, it analyses and compares reports on immigration and flight to the First Republic published in five Austrian newspapers – the “Arbeiter-Zeitung”, “Reichspost“, “Deutsches Volksblatt“, “Neue Freie Presse“ and “Innsbrucker Nachrichten“ – directly after World War I and the disintegration of the Habsburg monarchy between late 1918 and 1919. As will be shown, one cannot make generalized statements about the press coverage on immigration and flight during the period of investigation. The discourse was determined by the political and ideological orientation of a newspaper, its target audience and the sub-topics of the discourse.
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