Galizische Sprachenfragen vor dem Reichsgericht. Die Bedeutung des Artikels 19 (StGG 1867) für das Volksschulwesen in Galizien aufgezeigt an den Städten Brody und Lemberg um 1880
Galician Language Questions at the "Reichsgericht". The Importance of Article 19 (StGG 1867) for the Galician Elementary School System Demonstrated by Two Cases from the Cities of Brody and Lwiw (1880).
In the multiethnic, multireligious, and plurilingual Austro-Hungarian crownland of Galicia, the educational system was a constant field of conflict. This paper examines two cases from 1880 which concerned the elementary school system: The Jewish German-speaking population of the border city of Brody and the Ruthenian-speaking population of Galicia’s capital Lwiw both turned to the “Reichsgericht” in order to install their mother tongue as a classroom language, as it was granted in the famous Article 19 of the “Staatsgrundgesetz”.
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