Elizabeth C. Stanton und die Seneca Falls Convention 1848 Eine Auseinandersetzung mit der „Geburtsstunde“ der amerikanischen Frauenbewegung
Zeitgeschichte, Neuzeit, Seminararbeit, Frauen, USAAbstract
Elizabeth C. Stanton and the Seneca Falls Convention 1848: An Examination of the “Birth” of the American Women’s Movement
This paper takes a critical look at the birth of the American women's movement, focusing on the significance of the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 and the person of Elizabeth C. Stanton. Focusing on the legal position of American women, the paper analyzes the demands of the convention and the treatment of Stanton and Seneca Falls in historical discourse. The aim of the work is to show that the discussion of the American women's movement has so far been largely one-sided and has long ignored the centrality of racist tropes in middle-class white women’s activism in the 19th century.
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